BB10: Day 75 - Siavash In Nominations Trouble

Looks like Siavash is in trouble again with Big Brother for not nominating while in the Diary Room.

"Did you do it?" Sophie asked as soon as he entered the Kitchen.

"I did what I thought was right. I'm not really sure what the **** is going on," he hesitantly replied.

"You didn't nominate?" probed a concerned Sophie.

"I did something that I thought was right," he answered cryptically. "But I'm not sure what the **** is going on."

"You can't say that! I'm going in now!" replied Sophie, seeming worried.

Siavash swiftly walked out to the Garden to evade the inquisition as Sophie repeatedly begged for answers.

Just what is going on? It seems that Siavash's plans might have backfired again if his reaction is anything to go by...

*BB official website:

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