This SUV is for music or techno lover. Why? You will know why after look at its inner tomorrow. Lets look at its outer. You will Wow, it is like a robot,...
No matter which car show, she will always wearing this white dress. These are the photos from two different car shows, how I know? Look at her ear ring...
Still don't feel secure after trying out yesterday locking system? Well, I got a better ideas today, check it out. I am sure these will be secure enough....
Afraid your car get stolen? Lets try out these ideas, they are not using high tech stuffs, but I can assure you, they may be the safest way to lock your...
Don't really understand who is the one that design this car show uniform. Got a strip near the shoulder. What is the purpose? To restrict the movement...
This is the new series of Honda City, that will coming to town. Personally, I like Toyota and Honda. These two are comparable brands with always comparable...
If I am going to choose, I would select this be the best car show uniform. Imagine all the models can only wear the build-in bra and g-string. The only...
This new Mercedes Benz has No steering wheel, you drive it with a joystick. No pedals either. Everything you got to control with hand, it is like flying...
This is a big Taiwan car show. And of course, in such a big event, there are always something extra happen. Just like this model, she tries to take off the outer wear to show the uniform inside, but instead,...
Besides calling her snow white, I don't know what is the better nick name for her. She is so fair and at the same time wearing all white. And stand in...
Don't be upset if you are driving a small car. Imagine you stop at the traffic light, and then a sport car stop next to you. Even worst, the guy in the car is someone who is so ugly and fat. For sure,...
Do you know why need uniform? Such that everyone looks very neat, very tidy. And most importantly, the uniform are properly designed, such that can have...
In this economic crisis, banks and financial institutes are serious hurt. Then is the housing market and of course the car industry. So look at these...