BB10: Day 78 - Sophie Dumps Kris?

The Magazine Task is upsetting a few Big Brother housemates, with Sophie being the latest unhappy magazine reader. She declared that she was washing her hands of Kris after reading gossip snippets in the magazines that Big Brother had put into the house as part of the Task.

The former Dogface is livid that anyone would call her pregnant, for the twin reasons that she looks fatter and might have got impregnated in a communal Bedroom. And her ire is fuelled to peak by reading that former squeeze Kris refused to confirm or deny rumours about what they might have got up to.

"A gentlemen never tells," Kris is reported to have told a magazine, and Bea wasted no time in confirming to Sophie that no real gentlemen would ever say anything like that.

Super cross, Sophie grumbled around the House to Rodrigo and Siavash.

"I've washed my hands of him," Sophie told them as they ribbed her about the coverage.

"He's just saying that to make news," suggested Rodrigo. "Maybe he didn't say it."

"A true gentlemen never tells!" she repeated sarcastically.

"He might not have said it," said Siavash.

"I'm not speaking to him!" confirmed Sophie.

"You don't know he said it," added Siavash.

"Ignore it," said Bea, walking through the room. But Sophie wasn't interested.

"Seriously! I'm not speaking to him again," she said. "People think I'm a big fat pregnant woman and girls will think I'm a ****!"

"No," smiled Rodrigo. "Just chubby."

"They make me feel pregnant," she continued, only half smiling. "I know how Britney Spears feels. I'm going to shave my head!"

Rodrigo ribbed her a bit more until she exploded, good-naturedly of course. "I did not have sex and I did not make noises!"

"I wasn't in bed with you so I don't know," shrugged Rodrigo.

"There's more chance of me having sex with you than with Kris in this House," she said.

*BB official website:

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